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AX advanced document management consists of the ability to define default document types for documents attached to a record. The default value can be defined at the scope of each table.

The ability to define default types allows us to quickly import groups of documents in a single action or attach documents by dragging them into the document management window.

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dynamic routes

Dynamic paths generate a copy of the original file in a preconfigured folder.

The dynamic path for an attached document can have as many subdirectories as desired and in any order needed.

1. The archive directory must be defined with some existing path and accessible to all AX users and the server itself

2. The configuration and functionality of dynamic routes is done with respect to the type of document used when adding an attachment.

3. The configured archive directory will be the basis on which dynamic paths will be created as needed.

Use of functionality

The functionality of the default document types and the functionality of the dynamic routes by document type do not require any action to use them once they are configured; simply attach documents using AX's document management system. To make it easier to attach many documents to a record in a table or to attach a file by dragging and dropping it into the AX window, the following functions are available.

import directory

Import all files in a directory

Multiple choice

Select multiple files to attach at once

Drag and drop

Attach files faster and easier