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Warehouse Management System (WMS). Warehouse management solution

Warehouse Management System (WMS), the warehouse management solution

Warehouses are the core of merchandise distribution companies and the future of the business will depend on their proper management. In the digital and electronic commerce era, we find large giants like Amazon that require large warehouses where they can receive and send the products to the final customer. To guarantee agility in the shipment and prevent something from failing in the process, it is essential optimize warehouse management through a barcode reader. A WMS software solution that we detail in the following article.

Most common problems in warehouse logistics

Managing a warehouse correctly is not an easy task, it requires having a large area and, above all, a perfect organization because the time lost looking for merchandise is time lost for the business. The most common problems related to the warehouse are:


As we have mentioned before, disorder can lead to losing a lot of money for the business, because in an environment like the current one, immediacy in delivery has become a requirement on the part of the client. If the product is delayed or even not delivered because it has not been located in the warehouse, it is a serious error.

Having a warehouse management system guarantees control of all merchandise, with exhaustive monitoring of entry and exit orders.

Lack of space in the warehouse

This is one of the main problems of companies: lack of space. The business grows but the space is always the same. The solution that many companies opt for, prior to changing location, is to store through high racks. It is an excellent solution but it makes it difficult to locate the articles.

traceability issues

We are at a time when the customer wants to know the raw material with which the product is manufactured and all the processes it goes through until it reaches their hands. Traceability is a concept that acquires a lot of value in companies because it involves the registration of the entire supply chain. An error in traceability is a major problem for the company.

Reverse logistics costs

The cost of reverse logistics is the cost for the company of returning the merchandise due to errors in picking.

Properly managing picking is essential to avoid picking wrong products in an order.

Lack of information between departments

Operators working in the warehouse need access to information from various departments and in real time to speed up the packaging of products and their shipment to the final destination.

In addition to this lack of information, another problem that we cannot forget is the lack of updating the inventory. An inventory that is not up to date can cause out of stock and if a product cannot be delivered, it means giving customers a free pass to the competition.

What is Warehouse Management System

Warehouse Management System (WMS) stands for Warehouse Logistics Management. This solution, which Emiral implements in companies, has three main functions: the entry and exit register of merchandise, stock control to avoid stockouts, and knowing the location of all products. In short, automate the warehouse to have control of all the movements of the logistics cycle.

Advantages of warehouse management system

Among the main advantages that can be highlighted are the ease and speed of accessing all data, in real time, from the warehouse. In addition, duplication of data, which can lead to errors, is avoided.

Another advantage lies in the reduction in the number of operations and, consequently, the times in the supply chain are reduced. The shorter the time, the higher the productivity. And finally, by having the products well located (avoiding losses, either due to expiration or because they are not located) costs are reduced.

Warehouse management solution through a barcode reader

To provide a solution to warehouse management with guarantees of success, Emiral implements a WMS software to identify all the merchandise that enters and leaves the warehouse through the use of a barcode reader, integrated in touch devices. Look how to generate QR labels with Sage X3.

This reader collects valuable information such as the reception of the order, the location of the merchandise, the picking, the inventory count and the rest of the movements that make up the logistics cycle.

Automate the warehouse with the Emiral App

In this video we tell you how the mobile application developed by Emiral works. You only need to have touch devices, to read the barcode or QR code. The information is centralized and updated in real time.

Do you need to automate your warehouse?
We help you!

In Emiral We know how much your company is worth, whether it is small, medium or large. For this reason, we want to offer you the best ERP management solutions so that your business continues to grow.

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