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Sage X3 multi

What is the multi concept and what are its advantages with Sage X3

When choosing between one ERP solution or another, you must take into account its characteristics, ease of implementation, the needs of each company, ease of use and the benefits it brings to the business (improved productivity and reduced of costs). Among these solutions that contemplate all these advantages, it is worth mentioning the Sage X3 product, its main difference is in the MULTI concept.

What is the MULTI concept

The Multi concept is a clear example of business growth, opening up to new markets, expansion and organizational maturity, so at that time you have to think of an ERP as SAGE-X3 to cover all those changes that companies have to face. 

When the structure of a company is going to get complicated, either by going abroad, by buying a company or simply by a strategic business association between two or more companies, we must think about the need to cover all these new situations, such as, for example, the account structures established in each country.

In this sense, Sage X3 supports complex organizational structures with different companies, plants, warehouses, currencies and languages and all under a single database.

Advantages of the Multi concept with Sage X3

The advantages can be summarized in the following:

  • Multi-device

  • multi-tab

  • Multi language

  • Multi-legislation

  • Muti-society

The great advantages are the control and management of a company with different locations, whether physical or virtual, that supervise in different countries or that have suppliers in other languages. and different currencies, manufacturing and distribution companies etc.


This concept means that being a web application we can open as many tabs as we want, consuming only one license.


One of the most representative features of SAGE X3 is the programming language in which the system is developed: HTML5, which provides the ERP with a WEB solution with which we can open the session on any device and with any operating system installed, It is also a "responsive" solution, so that the size of the screen where we want to access the system is indifferent.

Multi language

The advantage of multi-language at the user level, if he works with international relations, he not only translates the system language, but all the information related to the supplier or client will automatically go into the language that the user sees fit, in order to communicate in the same language and can work in the same language.

This advantage is no longer only valid for companies with headquarters in different countries, but also for companies with employees of different nationalities.

the multi concept with sage x3


This advantage allows working with the "plant" concept and with various companies, being able to consult the current status of a supplier that works in different companies or plants. We must not forget the possibility of making grouped balances and accessing queries

Within this multi-company structure we can automate the relationships between the different group companies, we like to give an example of a marketer and manufacturer, they will be able to share group information without damaging the information of each one of them separately.

 This multi-company structure also affects analytical issues, in other solutions they are a bit restricted because in X3 in each company, there are independent analytical axes, cost centers, business lines, types of clients, but perhaps in the company production does not make sense to have the type of client. They will be parameterized according to the needs of each company, there is a maximum of 20 axes.

 We could have preconsolidated information between the purchases and sales of the different companies in my group. We can create mappings between companies of accounting models, reporting plan, etc. Between different currencies such as € and £, not only because it is mandatory to present it, but also because I am interested in having internal control at the management level.

We can even see the relationship of a third party within the group, regardless of the company in which it is registered, either as a customer or supplier, and be able to cross-reference the invoices pending collection with those to be paid.

Let's not forget the inter-company rates, since they can be fixed or variable prices according to the final price of the product, even by percentage depending on the type of product or service.

sagex3 multi-society concept


This concept means that the ERP offers the possibility of working with locations in different countries, accessing the local tax regulations of each company with which it works.  

SAGE X3 allows you to have several General Ledgers, each one in its own language, currency and legislative requirement, but all of them can be integrated without any problem in the operations.

 The number of currencies is unlimited, as well as the exchange rates and rates, whether monthly, daily, budget or average. In addition, currencies can be entered in any type of currency that the system itself is responsible for converting it into the General Ledger currency in order to simplify global interactions, for example, invoices and payments are accepted and issued in various currencies, but Sage X3 provides full control of exchange rate movements and automatically posts them to Profit or Loss Accounts in the appropriate General Ledger.

multi-legislation concept sagex3

All these advantages that we have mentioned previously, are contemplated under the Sage X3 standard, everything depends on the parameterization of each project and the needs to be covered by the company in question.

Finally, it should be noted that Sage X3 is prepared for any type of sector: distribution, manufacturing, chemicals, services, food, that need to control not only the financial department, but also the production department, whether it is the supply chain or a project planner.

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