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Is your company's ERP updated with the changes that 2021 brings?

The new year begins with important changes that companies must know to be able to adapt their business management software, and therefore, avoid non-compliance with regulations, which may have negative consequences. We refer to the new validations in the Immediate Supply of Information (SII), which has entered into force on January 1, 2021; the consequences for trade of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union; and the entry into force of SILICIE, for the electronic keeping of the accounting of products subject to special taxes.

Changes in the types of taxes on freight traffic between the EU and the United Kingdom

One of the transcendental changes that come with this new year has to do with the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Broadly speaking, as we already announced in the article How Brexit affects Microsoft 365 Dynamics D365FO and AX 2012 setup, purchases of goods and services from the United Kingdom, which were considered intra-community shipments and acquisitions, are considered exports and imports, as is the case with other countries that are not in the European Union. This change affects the configuration of the types of taxes that apply to goods transported between Spain and the United Kingdom:

  • Yoimports: for product entries in Spain from the United Kingdom, the tax base for VAT is the customs value adding the following items: taxes, duties, levies and other charges accrued on the occasion of importation, with the exception of VAT; and secondly, the ancillary expenses (commissions and packaging, transport and insurance expenses incurred up to the first place of destination of the goods).
  • Exports: the goods that are transported from Spain to the United Kingdom will be exports and, therefore, will be exempt from VAT.

It should also be borne in mind that commercial transactions with the United Kingdom, whether purchase or sale of goods or provision of services, will not be reflected in the summary statement of intra-community transactions (Mod 349 of the Tax Agency).

Those companies that have business management software (what is an ERP) to manage their commercial operations have to confirm that their ERPs are indeed up to date so that the United Kingdom is excluded from the operations carried out with countries of the European Union.

Validations of the Immediate Supply of Information

As we announced in November, from January 1, 2021, companies that are required to carry out electronic VAT management must have updated their business management software with the new validations and errors. The objective with these novelties, according to the Tax Agency, is to improve the quality of the information provided and make the procedures even more efficient. In the article New validations in the SII These novelties that require the update of the accounting modules of the companies.

SILICIE comes into force for the electronic accounting of Special Manufacturing Taxes

Another change that will affect various business sectors is the entry into force of SILICIE (System of Immediate Supply of Books of Accounting Information of Special Taxes) a new accounting system for products that are subject to Special Manufacturing Taxes, which has been implemented by the Tax Agency.

The establishments that are obliged to use the electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency are the following:

  • Factories
  • tax deposits
  • fiscal warehouses
  • reception deposits
  • vinegar factories

Although this new system came into force in January 2020, due to the pandemic, the AEAT has granted an extension, so that the companies that are obliged to gradually adapt to the new system. However, all these companies that were already operating in 2020 must have submitted the last year's accounting entries in SILICIE format before January 15, 2021.

Together with the Immediate Supply of Information, SILICIE is another step taken by the Tax Agency in its firm commitment to digitization. And it is a warning to companies that still have their accounting records in a traditional way so that they become aware of the importance of digital transformation. Perhaps this 2021 is a good time for it. 

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