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improve quality control management with customizable module

How to improve quality control management with a customizable module

Complying with quality standards and regulations is one of the aspects that most concerns companies, especially food and beverage industry and in the manufacturing sector because any deficiency that is detected can cause the company's reputation to hang in the balance. That is why it is important not only to have a quality control system, but also to have a personalized quality control module that takes into account the specific characteristics of the company.

Faced with this challenge, companies find an important ally in ERPs, largely due to their ability to centralize data and provide updated information in real time. This allows companies to carry out quality control strategies based on real and reliable data, and not on estimates with a percentage of error.

What is the custom QA module

Emiral has developed a custom quality control module that allows the company to manage and control its processes, always guaranteeing their quality. This module, for the manufacturing sector, is of the utmost importance when receiving raw materials or semi-finished products from external suppliers. Through the inspection of these materials, the company confirms their quality before entering the production chain.

This module allows the management of certificates, quality regulations, technical files, change control, document management, as well as other functionalities required by the company.

Advantages of the quality control module

Personalization is always a guarantee of success because if each company has its particularities, which is what differentiates it from the rest, it is logical that the resources it uses are adapted to the needs it has at all times. At Emiral we are very aware of this requirement, which is why we develop customized and scalable modules.

These are some of the advantages that companies present with a personalized module:

  • Adaptation to the needs of each company. 
  • Differentiation with the competition. The company can highlight its internal quality processes as a differential value.
  • Easier to adapt to change, since the implementation adapts to the organization's way of working. Also, with this custom module the Emiral team provides.
  •  Time savings, risk minimization and performance improvement when making decisions, always keeping all the information updated.

Functionalities of the quality control module

Emiral's quality module includes the following functionalities:

Batch Status

This module allows you to customize the status of the batches by customer. In addition, when the batch is created, the system calculates the expiration based on what is configured and assigns a maximum delivery date.

Quality analysis

When creating a batch in the system, the tests to be carried out in each analysis are indicated.

Linked to these tests, a bulletin is generated with the results of the analysis and the client's data, delivery note and the details of the analysis are printed on a document.

Change control

With the change control it is guaranteed that before any change the user has to indicate the reason for making that decision. Having change control active is essential in sensitive products.

technical sheets

The technical files that are generated collect the characteristics of the product.

Security sheets

With this customized quality control module, labels with pictograms that warn of danger can be printed, in addition to maintaining control of these dangerous elements contained in the product.


The system allows certificates to be issued to guarantee that the product or batch complies with certain characteristics.

manufacturing instructions

This functionality allows you to manage the manufacturing instructions of our products.

Homologation control

To be able to approve a supplier, it is necessary that they provide a series of documentation, which has an expiration date. After this time, it is necessary to request the supplier to renew said documentation, so that the approval is not lost.

Sending documents

Documentation can be sent automatically or manually. There is also the possibility of creating automatic updates submissions in the technical documentation.

With this personalized quality control module, companies improve their controls, minimizing risks, by having all the information in real time, and also save time with automation.

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