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How Emiral integrates the ERP with logistics operators through Sage X3

In all companies, regardless of the sector in which they operate, the delivery of merchandise is one of the most important moments because it is what the customer values most. No matter how good the quality of the product and the service offered may be, if the transport company makes a mistake, such as a delay in delivery or defects in the package, the customer's poor perception does not fall on the carrier but at the company you made the purchase from.

Given this risk, information on the status of the order has become an essential link in the value chain of a product. On many occasions, when the client feels cared for and informed, empathy takes precedence over misunderstanding. For this reason, more and more companies choose to send messages to mobile phones or notifications through an app, to inform about the location of the package.

Logistics, key in the costs and profitability of companies

The term logistics refers to all those operations that allow a product to arrive in a timely manner -and at the lowest possible cost- to the consumer. They are mainly operations of storage, transport and distribution of merchandise in the market.

Being one of the factors that most affect a company's costs and also its profitability, it is logical that companies look for solutions that guarantee the correct planning and management of the operations that are part of the logistics process. In this sense, the connector designed by Emiral to integrate Sage X3 with the main transport services, makes it possible to automate labeling tasks in the warehouse and eliminate the double process that is carried out with transport operators, since from the facilities themselves you can leave the merchandise ready to be sent to customers with the carrier's own labeling.

Sage X3 integration with transport services

This image shows the flow that the integration follows. From a delivery document, the shipment is registered with the carrier, the label is generated and the shipment is made.

ERP integration with logistics operators

Benefits of integrating Sage X3 with the APIs of logistics operators

With this tool the following benefits are achieved:

  • Reduces administrative burden
  • Workflow optimization
  • Reduced time and errors
  • Data duplication is avoided
  • Increase productivity
  • Control over merchandise shipments

Visual process of Sage X3 integration with logistics operators

Through this visual process, the workflow that the user would carry out is explained.

labels carrier integration sage X3 apis logistics operators

First step

The first step, once a new carrier is integrated, is to do the data configuration.

In this window all the carrier's access data are configured, as well as the functionality to which it belongs, the user, the password and the url to which it will connect. You can also decide whether all labels for this particular carrier will be printed automatically.

configuration labels carriers emiral

Finally, the services and products incorporated by the carrier are defined.

Second step

Once the configuration is done, the rates of the carriers are imported so that the costs for each delivery can be calculated automatically.

Regarding the generation of labels, there are two procedures: the first is directly through deliveries. You access the delivery for which you want to generate the label, and the system automatically takes the corresponding data, the carrier and the cost conditions, and the label is generated. If the auto print check is active, it is also printed with the carrier's own format.

logistics operators integration with sage x3

Another way to generate the label is from the transport labels window, where all the labels that have been generated with the delivery's own data appear. From here you can validate the label, delete or reprint.

labels logistics operators emiral tool

And this is the example of the label that has been generated with the DHL carrier, with its own format.

example label created for logistics operator with sage x3

Video of the integration of logistics operators with Sage X3

You can see an example of integration of logistics operators in the following video on our YouTube channel:

In the article titled ERP integration with transport and logistics companies we expand the information and present the success story of the Totto company.

Totto success story

Totto success story

The brand, specialized in the marketing and distribution of backpacks, suitcases and accessories, in more than 45 countries, has managed to integrate several logistics operators through one of the features offered, in this case, the Microsoft Dynamics AX software. In this way, they currently print the shipping labels directly in the warehouses, in the format of each transport company, saving that relabelling time. This translates into a better quality of service for the client, by speeding up delivery times.

Do you want to integrate your ERP with logistics operators?
We help you!

In Emiral We know how much your company is worth, whether it is small, medium or large. For this reason, we want to offer you the best ERP management solutions so that your business continues to grow.


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