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Emiral award for excellent business management at elEconomista

Emiral, recognized for its Excellent Business Management

There is news that fills us with enthusiasm and encourages us to continue working on the same path, such as the recognition that the Emiral team has just received in the form of a certificate for Excellent Management (CIEGE), which is awarded each year by the media The Economist and the commercial, financial, industry and marketing information company Informa D&B.

More than a thousand companies have been presented in this edition, of which only 47 have obtained the seal. As reported from The Economist The companies that have obtained the certificate have had to go through a process developed by Informa, in which they had to pass 57 indicators from 10 different categories: solvency, profitability, growth, employment, internationalization, corporate social responsibility, customer satisfaction, innovation, business risk management and digitization.

All the companies that have received the 2020 seal have in common their commitment to employment —the hiring of professionals has increased—, to the training of their teams; and for corporate social responsibility actions. They are companies that have proven to be competitive in their sector and are constantly growing.

The Emiral Director of Operations, Emiliano Caballero, and the General Director, Alberto Sánchez, attended the certificate delivery ceremony. “This recognition highlights the professional and, above all, human talent of all the professionals who are part of Emiral. This year, in addition to the complicated situation we are experiencing, managing to keep our clients and also continue to grow is a reflection of the enormous effort made by the entire team", highlights the General Director of Emiral, Alberto Sánchez, who also thanked The Economist and Inform the annual delivery of this certificate, which highlights "the business fabric that we have in Spain, with highly competitive companies at a national and international level".

access to the Photo gallery of the awardees.

Access to Report of the delivery of the Excellent Management certificate

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