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Emiral against COVID-19

We are experiencing a very tough few weeks. We wanted or not, COVID-19 has entered our lives suddenly and radically, from health to day-to-day coexistence.

Despite this, we must keep in mind at all times that this crisis is something that we can stand together and we will definitely win

As we are seeing, companies are making a commitment to their workers, offering various possibilities and facilities.

Teleworking and prioritizing security against Covid-19

Given the sector we are in (computer science and digitization), many people are talking about telecommuting. And there are quite a few positions in which teleworking is viable and recommended in this Covid-19 situation.

However, this pandemic would be much worse if it weren't for those jobs where you can't telecommute. Not only the health sector, first line of defense against coronavirus and first heroes in this crisis, but for all those who today have to go out to work and keep this society alive. We can always rely on going to the nearest supermarket and finding essential products, something that would not be possible without the people who produce, transport and offer these products.

People who work caring for workers who care for people in need also deserve special attention. A very great moral support which helps them not to feel alone or helpless in case they cannot count on anyone else. For those people in need, those social caregivers are more than heroes, They are fundamental pillars to draw strength day after day

And finally to the SMEs that, for one reason or another, cannot telecommute, which are approximately 40% of Spanish SMEs, which are also heroes holding up our economy.

You can check all the measures and actions against Covid-19 launched by the Government of Spain here.

Professionals and their families, first

As a company, there are three fundamental responsibilities in the face of Covid-19 in addition to the duty to support our society:

  • Caring for employees and their families

Emiral is committed to the health of its employees and their families, facilitating telecommuting for all those who are part of the company, thus reducing health risks and exposure to the virus.

  • Support our customers in their needs

Likewise, Emiral is committed to its clients, supporting all their needs in these times of confinement.

  • Help our partners support them

We continue to support our partners when they need it.

Clients and businesses, our priority

We all stop this virus, but it is also important not to neglect our economy or our employment, since, if SMEs stop, the country stops. Since these represent the 99% of the business fabric, create the 74% of employment and make up the 65% of GDP. To do this, the main solution is to make teleworking reach the largest possible number of people.

Studies confirm that 67% of people consider that the lack of resources to be able to telework will negatively affect business. The same studies confirm that the culture of teleworking is not fully implemented and this can very negatively affect their income.

Fortunately, at Emiral, we have the tools to be able to continue operating normally through teleworking, so our services will not be affected.

We're a team

In these times of crisis, it is where the unity of a team is most shown to support and help each other.

For this reason, Emiral feels very proud of his entire team, of his attitude, familiarity and spirit.

Now more than ever, We're a team.


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