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Patch availability: X3 2022 R1 (12.0.34) What's new?

Patch availability: X3 2023 R2 (12.0.34) What's new?

Product: Sage X3

Version: V12

Date: November 2023

Patch availability: X3 2023 R2 (12.0.34)


Patches contain the latest updates for improvements, stability and performance of your system, and are recommended for all Sage Enterprise Management V12 customers. The life cycle of version 12 is by semiannual update. Each semiannual update has 6 months of support in the “Current” phase, 12 months in the “Standard” phase, and 6 months of support in the “Extended” phase (see the knowledge base article “Sage X3 Lifecycle Policy» for more detail).

From version 2019 R5 (12.0.20) and higher, patches are cumulative. The minimum version required to apply this patch is 2019 R4 (12.0.19) Consult Cumulative Patching for more detail.

Be sure to check out the section News Online Help and Release Notes and the guides provided in Sage X3 technical help.


For a new installation with the iso file, a zip file exists in the PATCH directory; it is MANDATORY to install it after the version installation. Run the installation from the Syracuse Server Updates feature (Administration > Update > Updates).

The following components are required to be installed before application patch installation:

  • Console 2.58.0
  • Adxadmin 96.1.206
  • Runtime 96.1.206
  • SyracuseServer 12.19.0
  • PrintServer 2.29.0

Recommended Components before application patch installation:

  • VTWebServer 2.42.1

Other products:

  • atp
  • ATP script wizard will be provided shortly.
  • X3 services 35.0.35 (New ADC server)
  • X3 Mobile Automation 2.0.2 (APK file for Mobile Automation – ADC)

Patch Finder:

  • Will be provided shortly.

Application patch (see Note 1):

  • x3-patch-12.0.34.zip
  • documentation: x3-patch-documents-12.0.34.zip

Remember: You can use the “Test update” menu item to test an update and check if there are any conflicts with your customizations. In all cases, it is mandatory:

  • Test the update on a test instance.
  • Make a backup of your application before running the update.

You also have PatchFinder available to view the content of this patch, the latest version will be available shortly.



(1) Review the patch documentation, which you will find in the ZIP file. You will find the installation instructions and the list of improvements. For more information about the fixes contained in all patches, including this one, see our Patchfinder utility coming soon.

(2) Sage recommends that you update to the latest version of ElasticSearch certified. Elastic Search licensing as of v6.4 has changed: Sage will not deliver Elastic Search configuration in future communications. Partners and customers will need to download configuration files when deploying Sage X3. You can download the latest version of Elastic Search that is certified with Sage X3 at www.elastic.co. Please read the included documentation for further instructions and also refer to the article 99424 "Additional notes when upgrading ElasticSearch".

(3) Review the document «Node.js web server recommendations» to configure Syracuse.

(4) Please read the installation manual included in the installation file and register for the Sage University Web Scheduling installation course before installing.

(5) Mongo DB 4.4 requirements:

  • MongoDB 4.4 is only compatible with Syracuse 12.14 or higher. Older versions may remain with MongoDB
  • MongoDB 4.4 and higher is not supported on Windows 2012 R2. MongoDB can still be used in this case.
  • The mongodump and mongorestore utilities were not included with MongoDB 4.4.10, but are included by Sage as of 4.4.12. The latest tools can be downloaded and installed manually from the MongoDB Tools package if required.

 (6) When using X3 Services, the X3 version and patch must match the Syracuse version.


Download all the patch changes in the following PDF: Patch X3 2023 R1 (12.0.33) Changes.pdf

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